Asylum Applicant Resources
The following resources are not intended to be used as legal advice for your specific case. It is always advisable to consult with a licensed attorney to determine immigration benefit eligibility
Application Assistance
As you begin the process of applying for asylum, you may find it helpful to utilize the information in these documents so that you are able to understand how to apply for asylum as best as possible.
Applying for Asylum Pro se [English]
This 12 page document contains an overview of the process of applying for asylum pro se. From helpful tips and tricks to specific instructions, this tries to answer all the common questions you may have.
Applying for Asylum Pro se [Spanish]
This 12 page document contains an overview of the process of applying for asylum pro se. From helpful tips and tricks to specific instructions, this tries to answer all the common questions you may have.
I-589 [English]
The most recent edition of the Form I-589, Application for Asylum and Withholding of Removal is linked here for your use. This is the official form that must be submitted to the appropriate immigration office(s).
I-589 [Spanish]
The document attached here is a copy of the form I-589, Application for Asylum and Withholding of Removal translated into Spanish. It may be used to help understand the official form but you may not submit it to the government.
Submitting the Application
Once you have prepared your application for submission, there are several ways to submit it.
The following resources will help you determine the best way to do so to ensure proper filing of your application.
Submission Methods Flowchart [English]
Follow this flowchart to determine where, how, and if you should submit your asylum application.
Submission Methods Flowchart [Spanish]
Follow this flowchart to determine where, how, and if you should submit your asylum application.
Mailing Instructions [English]
This page outlines exactly how you should mail out your application for asylum based on whether you are filing affirmatively or defensively.
Tips for Online Filing [English]
If you are eligible to file your application online, you may find the information in this document helpful to understanding the process.
Mailing Instructions [Spanish]
This page outlines exactly how you should mail out your application for asylum based on whether you are filing affirmatively or defensively.
Tips for Online Filing [Spanish]
If you are eligible to file your application online, you may find the information in this document helpful to understanding the process.
Address Change
When you have a pending immigration application with any agency, it is important to keep the appropriate organization(s) updated with your current address and contact information so that you don’t miss any important communications.
If you are in court proceedings, you will have to change your address with USCIS, EOIR, and ICE.
If you are not in court proceedings, you must change your address with USCIS and potentially ICE, if you have had any interactions with them.
The AR-11 is used to change your address with USCIS and may be filed on paper or online. You must do so within 10 days of any move.
The EOIR-33 is used to change your address and contact information with EOIR (the court). This applies if you are in removal proceedings and must be done within 5 days of any move or of acquiring new contact information.
ICE Change of Address
You may change your address online with ICE. This must be done if you have had any interaction with the agency. You have 10 days after you move to do so.