Join our team of lightkeepers.
As a small but growing non-profit, receiving the gift of volunteers’ time can increase our office’s capacity to serve the immigrant community. If you are passionate about supporting the West Michigan immigrant community, please consider sharing your time and skills in addition to your resources.
Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities:
View as Calendar
Schedule by VolunteerHub
![VolunteerHub Logo](https://cdn.volunteerhub.com/static/content/images/LogoDots41x25.png)
Schedule by VolunteerHub
At this time, LIA is seeking volunteers who are ready to get “hands-on” with our upcoming office move!
If you’d like to register as a group, please register via this link and leave the “Group Leader” checkbox checked, or email Betsy at betsy@lia-michigan.org, or call (616) 298-8984.
We’ll update the calendar with upcoming opportunities as they arise. Thank you!
Please contact Betsy directly to learn more at volunteer@lia-michigan.org