Our Mission
Bringing stability to West Michigan families and communities through legal services, education, and advocacy.
What does immigration look like in West Michigan?
Hard-working parents needing to renew their work permit so they can remain eligible for employment; Students from a war-torn home country that may need to seek a new remedy when their student visa expires; Longtime Legal Permanent Residents pursuing Citizenship; Foreign-Born Persons pursuing safety after having fled violence, war, climate change, poverty, domestic violence, government corruption, gang threats, or other abuses; DACA recipients renewing every two years; Real Life People without status hoping to find jobs, housing, medical care, food assistance, and education who don't know what their options are; Family Members divided by borders hoping to reunite in the stability of the US; Refugees entering with status needing to start an immigration process because the US is now their forever home.
Legal Services with LIA
We’re here to help determine remedies in immigration. Our programs are made to reflect the ever-changing world of U.S. Immigration. Typically, that starts with a General Consultation where our staff listens to your history, your story, your experiences of leaving your home country and settling in the United States. From that consultation, we may determine a case type that we can open, a “need to renew” remedy that’s expiring, or sometimes other cases could mean no remedy is currently available. Whether we determine a remedy or not, LIA joins you in partnership in navigating the system and navigating the plethora of resources available.
We meet clients where they are: face-to-face meetings, virtual consultations, mobile clinics, and neighborhood events.
Education with LIA
Learning can take many forms at LIA. Often, it involves presenting to an organization that wants to learn more about immigration and how it affects its constituents, employees, or community. Other times, it involves showing up at local schools at big events to inform parents and communities of their rights and opportunities by seeking out LIA’s services.
One of our biggest educational feats is LIA’s Internship Program. We pride ourselves in a healthy work culture, and that extends to the college students who intern in our office. We host college students from all areas of study because immigration can be found in nearly all components of life. LIA offers learning experiences in all areas of immigration and study, not just a law office, but also as an operational nonprofit with business needs and educational opportunities.
Advocacy with LIA
It’s in our name: Advocates. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, we do not advocate for any particular candidate or party. Instead, we advocate for policy, reform, and culture shifts that elevate our immigrant neighbors. Our aim is to amplify the voices of immigrants, migrants, asylees, and refugees so that when we include All, it truly is All of Us. Whether offering our expertise on potential policy, researching state and national decisions, or speaking against discrimination, racism, exclusion, and othering, we advocate with our writing, our presence, our culture, our partnerships, and our actions.